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40 Foolproof ‘Fun Facts About Me’ for Networking & New Jobs

Charmed, I'm sure

woman body shape pencil holder can be a fun fact about yourself
Photo courtesy of Context Pixie

When starting a new job or networking, sharing fun facts about yourself is expected. As if joining a new company with new coworkers or networking with people you’ve never met before wasn’t already daunting enough, trying to conjure up a “fun” fact about yourself can feel like an impossible task. 

To prevent blanking out, keep a set of go-to fun facts in your metaphorical back pocket that you can whip out at a moment’s notice. Sharing these little tidbits as you're introducing yourself around the office isn’t meant to be a form of torture, it can actually reveal relevant abilities and skills related to your job or industry and help people feel connected to the real you. You’re so fun!

Read more: How to Come Up with an Interesting Fact About Yourself

Fun 'facts about me': what you love and hate

1. The TV show you binge over and over (...and over) again. I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again—I live for Love Island

2. Your most-prized recent purchase. Share your newfound passion for your barista-approved espresso machine, sunrise alarm clock, or fuzzy slippers. 

3. Your go-to karaoke song. Just don’t break out into unprompted serenade.

4. The movie you’ve seen dozens of times. Don’t cop out and say Harry Potter—as great as it is, watching this magical series multiple times isn’t exactly unique, so try to think outside the box. 

5. Similarly, the book you’ve read dozens of times. 

6. Something you can’t live without. 

7. Your strangest food preferences. The more outlandish the combo, the better. 

Read more: 99 Work-Friendly Questions That’ll Spice Up Breaking the Ice

8. Your pet peeves. Not only can this be a relatable ice breaker, it can also give your new coworkers a hint as to how best interact with you. Win, win!

9. Your favorite activity to destress. They’ll thank you later for your favorite ASMR YouTube channel recommendation.

10. The game app that you’re addicted to. Then ask your new coworkers to download it and play with you if they dare.

11. Your favorite music video. Just keep it work appropriate, of course. 

Read more: 80+ Totally Relatable Workplace Pet Peeves

Fun facts about what you're good and bad at

12. Something you can’t do. My go-to fun fact is that I can’t ride a bike. Opening up about something you can’t do (that’s fairly common for others) is a great ice breaker and conversation-starter.

13. The dish you’re known for among your friends. Have you mastered a meal that’s been passed down in your family for several generations? Developed a world famous pierogi recipe? 

14. Your hidden talent. I can name all seven dwarves from Snow White on command. That’s fun, right?

Read more: Ask a Recruiter: How Do I Discover My Hidden Talents?

15. Any other languages you’re fluent in. Bonus points if you tell them this fun fact in that language. 

16. Life hacks. Do you know how to cut onions without crying? How to get red wine stains out of a white couch? Spread your knowledge. 

17. The card or board game you always win. 

Read more: 10 Girl Power Movies to Queue Up for Your Next Family Movie Night

Fun facts about your life experiences

18. Any award you’ve won, from a Clio to your “Most Likely to Travel the World” superlative in high school. 

19. Your most unbelievable travel story. Have you gotten lost in the crypts of an Egyptian pyramid? Plummeted to the bottom of the ocean while cage diving? Almost drowned while kayaking? Captivate your googly-eyed coworkers with your public speaking skills

20. The first concert you ever attended. Chances are, your first concert was probably when you were a teenager with questionable musical tastes, and that always makes for a fun story.

21. The most unique pet you’ve ever owned. This fun fact has my cousin set for life—as a kid, he owned several dogs, an iguana, a frog, a hamster, and a bird. 

Read more: 30 Fun Jobs That Pay Well

22. Your best celebrity story. In college, I went to see Aaron Carter in concert, and he asked me what shampoo I used. This is a true story, and a golden fun fact. 

23. Your funniest interview anecdote...or horror story. People will always relate to interviews going awry.

24. Your most unfortunate injury as a kid. Shout out to the girl in elementary school who fell off the monkey bars, broke both wrists, and had to wear casts on both of her arms for a few weeks. 

25. Your favorite cartoon show as a kid. Mentally transport your coworkers back to the time of cinnamon rolls and cartoons on Saturday morning. 

26. The best career advice you’ve ever received. Or worst, you choose.

Fun, random facts about yourself

27. The most interesting job you’ve ever had. Describing your days as a toy designer or food critic certainly counts as a fun fact. 

28. Something on your bucket list. For me, it’s hiking a volcano and attending a Titanic submarine expedition (clearly, not all of your bucket list items actually have to be attainable).

29. The weirdest random fact you know. Did you know that sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can?

30. Weird rules that only you enforce for yourself. When I open a pack of M&M’s, I have to eat all the blue ones first, or else something *terrible* will happen. 

Read more: How to Answer: What Are You Passionate About?

Fun facts about what you believe in

31. A superstition or conspiracy theory you believe in. Show them you have a unique perspective, but don’t reveal if you think the moon landing is fake, please. 

32. Your side hustle or passion project outside of work. Do you own an Etsy shop? Have a food or travel blog? Been published in The New York Times?

33. The best invention of the 21st century, in your opinion. The best thing since sliced...iPhones?

34. The topic you could give a two-hour presentation on. Oh, what’s mine, you ask? All of the incredible ways that women impact the workplace.

Read more: The Worst Career Advice We (& You) Have Ever Gotten

Fun "what if" facts about yourself

35. What your entrance song would be if music played every time you entered a room. 

36. The business pitch you’d make if you appeared on Shark Tank

37. What you would do if you won the lottery today. Start a company where fun facts are obsolete?

38. The object you’d choose to be reincarnated as. I once asked a coworker this question, and they said they’d want to be reincarnated as an ocean pebble and watch waves crash above them. Try and top that. 

39. What your warning label would say. Caution: I will always overuse exclamation points in my emails.

40. The era you’d live in if you could time travel. 

Read more: The Best Places to Work (Rated by the Women Who Work There)

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