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Should I Quit My Job? 4 Signs It’s Time to Go

How to know you’re ready to move on

By InHerSight
Woman stares off to side wondering if she should quit her job

By Shabana Bachu

Not everyone is lucky to find their one true calling right out of school. For many, it takes years and a heavy handful of unsatisfying jobs to get there.

If you’ve been sinking years of labor into a job and you’re still holding out for a pay-off, it’s time to consider the other big option: quitting. Check out these signs to see if it's time to write that resignation letter

4 signs it’s time to quit your job

1. You’ve already started looking for other opportunities

Whether or not you’ve admitted it, you might be ready to quit your current job if you find yourself browsing job boards or stalking the LinkedIn profiles of people who have your dream job. You tell yourself that you’re just looking, but you know that you’re becoming less satisfied with your current role, every day. Once you acknowledge that the job you have now is no longer keeping you interested or motivated, it’s more than okay to start exploring your options. The next time you’re just one click away from applying for a tempting opportunity, take a leap of faith and send in your resume.

Read more: Quitting Without Notice...Is It Ever Okay?

2. Your physical health takes a toll

Work can be stressful, that’s a given. But when your sleep schedule is affected; your diet veers away from regular, healthy meals; and you find yourself constantly worrying about your next project, even outside of work—it might be time to call it quits. There’s a difference between a stimulating job—one that keeps you on your toes, and one that forces you to burn the candle at both ends and compromise your own health for the sake of production.

Read more:25 Tips for Dealing with Burnout

3. Your loved ones agree that it’s time for you to leave

Sometimes, those you love and trust know you better than you know yourself. It’s not hard to convince yourself that dissatisfaction, which turns into daily misery, is a sacrifice you have to endure for a stable, money-making career. However, you should listen to your family and friends when they point out signs of depression and stress that stem from your job. Remember, your community is there to support your endeavors, and they have faith in your ability to bounce back after you leave a job that is intruding on your personal happiness.

4. You’ve never been able to connect with your coworkers

Having a genuine interest in your company’s mission and taking pride in your role is difficult when you don’t exactly “fit in” with your coworkers. At mixers, after-work drinks, and office social events in general, you never seem to find a place in the conversation or relate to anyone the way they do with each other. In some extreme cases, you even experience workplace bullying which goes unnoticed by higher-ups or isn’t addressed when you report it, and compromises your feelings of comfort in a professional environment. If you’re feelings of isolation from your colleagues haven’t changed over the years, it is definitely time to give your two-weeks' notice.

Read more:Your Inner Circle Is Your Ticket to the Top

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