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  1. Blog
  2. Salary
  3. January 25, 2024

12 Example Scripts to Help You Get the Salary You Want

Ask for more, and ask better

Woman negotiating for the salary she wants
Photo courtesy of Ono Kosuki

So you’ve found yourself face-to-face with the opportunity of a lifetime: After weeks of anticipation and multiple rounds of interviews, you’ve finally received the job offer you’ve been yearning for. You’re excited as you read through the details, envisioning the challenges and triumphs that await you.

Yet, as your eyes dance over the carefully crafted words on the paper, one figure looms larger than the rest—the salary. This is a pivotal moment, a crossroads where dreams meet reality. Should you accept the offer as is, or should you embark on the often-daunting journey of negotiating for the compensation you believe you deserve?

Asking for the salary you want is a nuanced art, a delicate dance between ambition and pragmatism. In this guide, we unravel the intricacies of salary negotiation, providing you with not just scripts and strategies, but a roadmap to navigate this crucial conversation. Join us as we explore the power of articulation, the impact of confidence, and the secrets to turning that initial figure into a reflection of your true worth.

Read more: How to Craft a Salary Negotiation Email (with Examples)

The importance of a good salary 

The impact of a good salary extends far beyond the digits on your paycheck (although we celebrate that, too). While financial compensation is undoubtedly a significant motivator, its influence permeates various aspects of your professional life, shaping your job satisfaction, career trajectory, and overall wellbeing.

Your salary can directly affect your job satisfaction and motivation. Feeling fairly compensated for your skills and contributions fosters a positive work environment and a sense of value. On the contrary, being underpaid may lead to dissatisfaction, potentially impacting your morale, engagement, and overall job performance.

Your salary also serves as a key determinant of your financial stability and the lifestyle you can afford. It influences your ability to meet basic needs, save for the future, and pursue personal and professional goals. A competitive salary not only provides a sense of security but also opens doors to opportunities for personal and career growth.

In terms of career trajectory, your initial salary can set the foundation for future earnings. Subsequent job offers and raises are often calculated based on your current or previous compensation. Negotiating a higher salary early in your career can create a ripple effect, impacting your earning potential in the long run and positioning you for more lucrative opportunities.

Moreover, salary considerations can affect decisions related to job changes and career transitions. A compelling offer with an attractive salary package can be a strong incentive to explore new opportunities, while a less favorable compensation might lead to hesitations or even a decision to stay put.

In essence, the impact of a salary on your career is multifaceted. It goes beyond being a mere transaction to become a reflection of your value, a factor in your job satisfaction, and a catalyst for both personal and professional growth. Understanding the significance of salary in the broader context of your career can empower you to make informed decisions, negotiate effectively, and ultimately shape a rewarding professional journey.

Read more: Why Do We Still Mark Equal Pay Day in 2024?

The importance of negotiating your salary: women and gender equity in the workplace

If you’re a woman or a person from a marginalized background, negotiating your salary is a critical and empowering aspect of fostering gender equality in the workplace. Historically, there has been a persistent gender pay gap, with women and other marginalized employees earning less than their white male counterparts for the same or comparable work. Negotiating salary is a proactive step to take to challenge and narrow this gap.

One key reason for marginalized employees to negotiate their salary is the economic impact on their individual lives. Over the course of a career, the difference in earnings can be substantial. Negotiating a fair and competitive salary ensures you are adequately compensated for your skills, qualifications, and contributions. This financial empowerment not only benefits you personally but also has broader societal implications, contributing to the dismantling of systemic gender inequalities.

Negotiating salary also plays a crucial role in challenging stereotypes and biases. For instance, research has shown that women are often perceived differently than men when it comes to negotiation—assertive behavior that may be seen as confident in men might be unfairly labeled as aggressive in women. By engaging in salary negotiations, you challenge these stereotypes, demonstrating their value, competence, and commitment to their professional growth.

Negotiating salary is also a strategic move to bridge the gender pay gap. When women advocate for themselves and successfully negotiate higher salaries, it not only benefits them individually but contributes to shifting the overall landscape. By setting higher standards and expectations, you become an agent of change, influencing organizational practices and contributing to a workplace culture that values gender equity.

9 tips for asking for the salary you want

Asking for the salary you want requires effective communication and negotiation skills. Here are some tips on how to approach this conversation:

1. Know your worth

Before discussing salary, research industry standards, and understand the typical compensation for the position you're applying for. Consider your skills, experience, and the value you bring to the role.

2. Wait for the right time

Timing is crucial. Ideally, bring up the salary discussion after you've impressed the employer with your skills and during a phase where you're discussing the details of the job offer.

It’s important that the salary discussion take place when you have a better understanding of the job responsibilities and the company's expectations. You can say something like, "I'm open to discussing compensation once I have a clearer picture of the role and its requirements."

3. Ask about the company's range

If you're comfortable, you can inquire about the salary range the company has budgeted for the position. This can give you a better idea of their expectations.

4. Be confident

Approach the conversation with confidence. Clearly articulate why you believe you deserve the salary you're asking for. Highlight your achievements, relevant experience, and unique skills that contribute to the role.

5. Use a positive tone 

Frame your request in a positive way. Instead of saying, "I can't accept anything less than $X," you can say, "Based on my research and experience, I was hoping for a salary in the range of $X to $Y."

6. Provide justification

Back up your salary request with specific reasons. Mention relevant accomplishments, certifications, or additional responsibilities you're willing to take on that justify the higher compensation.

7. Provide a range

Instead of giving a specific number, offer a salary range based on your research. Make sure the range encompasses a figure you would be comfortable with.

8. Consider the entire package

If the employer seems hesitant about meeting your salary request, consider negotiating other aspects of the compensation package, such as bonuses, benefits, or additional perks. If the salary is slightly lower but the overall package is attractive, you might be willing to accept the offer.

9. Express flexibility

While it's important to communicate your desired salary, also express some flexibility. Let the employer know that you're open to discussion and willing to find a compromise.

Read more: How to Decline a Job Offer Due to Salary

12 example scripts to help you get the salary you want

Example 1: Basic response to job offer

"Thank you for extending the job offer. I'm excited about the opportunity. Considering my skills and experience, I was hoping for a salary in the range of $X to $Y. Does that align with the budget for this position?"

Example 2: Response to job offer to trigger negotiation

"I'm really excited about the opportunity to contribute to [company] and bring my skills to the [specific role]. Based on my research and experience in [relevant field], I was hoping for a salary in the range of $X to $Y. I believe this reflects the value and expertise I can bring to the team. However, I'm open to discussing the details further and finding a mutually beneficial arrangement."

Example 3: Asking for salary range

"I appreciate your interest in my candidacy. I'm open to discussing salary, and I believe my skills and experience align well with the responsibilities of the role. Could you provide me with the salary range you have in mind for this position? That way, we can ensure we're on the same page."

Example 4: Justifying your request

"I appreciate the offer, and I'm eager to join the team. I've successfully [mention achievements or relevant experience], and based on my research, a salary of $X reflects the industry standard for someone with my qualifications."

Example 5: Negotiating with additional responsibilities

"I'm thrilled about the offer. In addition to the responsibilities outlined, I'm also willing to take on [mention specific additional responsibilities]. Considering this, I believe a salary of $X would be fair."

Example 6: Emphasizing unique skills

"I'm enthusiastic about contributing my [mention unique skills] to the team. These skills set me apart, and I believe a salary of $X would be reflective of the value I can bring to the role."

Example 7: Discussing benefits and perks

"I've reviewed the offer, and I'm looking forward to being part of [Company]. In addition to salary, could we discuss the possibility of [mention specific benefits or perks], which would further enhance the overall compensation package?"

Example 8: Expressing flexibility

"Thank you for the offer. I'm interested in finding a package that works for both of us. While I was hoping for $X, I'm open to discussing the details and finding a mutually agreeable figure. What flexibility do we have?"

Example 9: Inquiring about future opportunities

"I see great potential in contributing to [company], and I'm committed to delivering exceptional results. If we can reach a salary of $X, I'd be interested in discussing the possibility of performance-based bonuses or advancement opportunities in the future."

Example 10: Asking for a performance review

"I'm grateful for the offer and excited about the role. To ensure we're aligned on expectations, could we agree to a performance review after [specific time period]? If I meet or exceed expectations, we can revisit the salary at that time."

Example 11: Mentioning comparable offers

"I've received another offer that is in the range of $X. I'm genuinely interested in joining [company], and if we can match this offer, it would make the decision much easier for me."

Example 12: Closing negotiations

"I appreciate the collaborative discussion on compensation. If we can finalize the salary at $X, I'm ready to accept the offer and start contributing to [company]. I'm excited about the opportunity and the value I can bring to the team."

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