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The InHerSight Guide to Industry Satisfaction

Use insights from hundreds of thousands of women to find your industry “fit”

By InHerSight
The InHerSight Guide to Industry Satisfaction

Different women want different things from their employers and workplaces — work is a little like fashion. Everybody has their own style and needs, and no two people are the same. At InHerSight, we try to gather the info you need to make the right decision. We decided to do some digging in our data to find which industries performed best in different categories. What we found was surprising.

Read on to learn which industries are best for new moms, social butterflies, and more — spoiler alert, tech does a lot better than you’d think (yes, we’ve all heard some horror stories, but the data speaks for itself).

Data was collected from company ratings submitted anonymously through InHerSight. These ratings are based on a variety of criteria that evaluate companies' female-friendliness.

For the New Mama

For some women, a “female-friendly” workplace is synonymous with a “mom-friendly” workplace that understands how to support professional women before, during, and after they have kids. If that’s you, we found that technology companies were the best rated. It’s no wonder, really, with the fierce competition for talent and the corresponding innovative benefits (ahem, see Netflix’s “unlimited” paid maternity leave). On the other end of the spectrum, the service industry does the worst. Service jobs, unfortunately, do tend to have fewer benefits.

For the Social Butterfly

Maybe you’re not ready for a family yet, but you want a workplace where you can connect with coworkers and socialize. In that case, tech might be your go-to as well — it’s rated as the best for social activities and environment. I guess all those nifty perks like game rooms and nap pods pay off, huh? The consumer goods industry, on the other hand, is rated lowest for social.

Another great industry for social butterflies is the arts which was rated highest in our “people” category. Brainstorming and creation can help bring people together, so you might just make lifelong friends working in art.

For the Career Climber

Think you’re management material? Consumer goods (think retail) is rated highest for management opportunities for women. Even though it’s not rated highly in our social category, our reviewers say that here, ladies have a good shot at being in charge — and that, we can get behind.

If salary is important to you, manufacturing might be a good place for you. Our reviewers say they are most satisfied with their salaries in this industry. Equitable and livable pay is super important, so that’s a definite plus for working in this arena. Education is rated lowest for salary satisfaction.As movements like the Oklahoma educators’ strike show, educators are underpaid and in need of better support.

For the Equality Advocate

For us at InHerSight, equal opportunities are essential at any job. The’re are probably important to you too! Our best industry for feeling like you have access to equal opportunities is healthcare.

Agriculture is the worst for equal opportunity. There is some work to be done; perhaps we can draw inspiration from international efforts.

For the Lifelong Learner

Maybe what’s important to you is the ability to learn throughout your life and have access to self-improvement opportunities. We can understand that! If this is the case, then unsurprisingly, education is the best option for you. Consumer goods, on the other hand, is rated lowest in this arena.

Finding your perfect industry fit can be tough. There is a lot to weigh, especially as women. The process consists of so much more than simply asking yourself, “Will I like this job?”

It involves the consideration of whether we will be treated with respect and have our needs met, whether our coworkers will support female empowerment, whether having a family will interfere with our career in that space, and more. Someday, we would love for women not to have to weigh all these things. But until then, InherSight is here to help. Anonymously rate your workplace today and help other women find their perfect fit. If you’re looking for yours, browse companies or get matched to jobs that fit your priorities.

By Casey O'Brien

Casey O'Brien is a journalist currently based in Oakland, California. She writes about environmental issues, feminism, travel, and politics, but most of her writing relates to social issues and problems. Her work can be found in various magazines, periodicals and websites. Instagram: @littlequesadilla

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