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  2. Partners in Diversity

Inside Look: 5 Women on Empowerment, Flexibility & Equality at JupiterOne

With creative perks that encourage work-life balance, the remote cybersecurity startup is championing culture

JupiterOne team at a conference
Photo courtesy of JupiterOne

This article is part of InHerSight's Partners in Diversity series. Discover companies partnering with InHerSight to better support women in the workplace.

For many, finding permanent remote work is the dream right now—a dream that feels fresh, revolutionary even and, when you come across companies like JupiterOne, like such a benefit is just the tip of the iceberg. 

A cybersecurity startup, JupiterOne’s team is remote, yes, but they’re also champions of culture, with perfect and near perfect ratings for all of InHerSight’s metrics that assess the ways employees treat one another at work, such as Employer Responsiveness and Social Activities and Environment. And with money set aside for home office supplies, wellness benefits such as gym memberships and meditation, and even vacations, it’s no surprise that employees feel happy and connected at work. The potential for positivity is off the charts.

According to JupiterOne, this energy all comes down to one word: empowerment. Empowering employees in their careers and on their teams. Empowering employees to live the lives they want. Empowering employees to be their best and whole selves.

Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, start believing it. We asked five women at JupiterOne what empowerment at the company has looked and felt like for them, and came to one resounding conclusion: It’s time we all start dreaming a little bigger. 

‘I am trusted’

Valerie Zargarpur

Senior Marketing Manager, Events

“From the very beginning, I have felt empowered to own my program and the decisions around it. I work within the budget I am given and am expected to hit certain metrics, but there isn't a level of micromanagement I have seen in other companies. I am trusted to do the things I was hired to do, trusted to make the decisions that are best for the company based on my field of expertise, and management across all departments really seems to function in this way.”

Benefits she loves:

“Although we are remote and a startup, there is a heavy emphasis on collaborative work and work-life balance. For the collaborative piece, we often have Zoom working sessions where we tackle a problem together, and all meetings are typically camera on, which I think adds to the collaborative nature. It's clear in the JupiterOne vacation policies (flexible PTO + $2,000 a year vacation reimbursement) and encouragement from management and the executive team that we are not here to work 65 hours a week. Yes, there are times when we work longer hours to hit a deadline, but we are reminded to take the time to recharge after those busier times. I'm not expected to answer a Slack message or email that comes in at 8 p.m. or over the weekend, which is really refreshing. Lastly, as a parent, I appreciate the flexibility that is given with work hours. On my team, we all work core hours, but if you need to pick up your kid from school, building that time into your daily schedule isn't an issue.”

JupiterOne in three words:

“Fun, driven, innovative”

‘I feel equal’

Alex do Egito

Customer Success Engineer

“At previous companies it took several months for me to 'earn the right to speak' in meetings. Whereas at JupiterOne, even with the short amount of time I’ve been here, my opinion is sought after and my input is genuinely desired from the people around me. My impression is that my opinion isn't wanted because I am some sort of genius, but rather my coworkers and managers care about the thoughts, ideas, and questions I have. Imposter syndrome is still alive and well in my life, but individuals seeking my thoughts and opinions make me feel valued as a person, and I feel an equal in the workplace.”

Benefits she loves:

“The maternity leave and fertility assistance are some of the most important perks to me. I have always wanted kids and a career but with companies "offering" six weeks unpaid maternity leave, that goal always felt difficult to reach. The opportunity that JupiterOne gives women to focus on their baby and recover communicates to me that the company chooses to invest in me and cares about my health.”

JupiterOne in three words:

“Genuine, hardworking, innovative”


Remote-forever JupiterOne is a cybersecurity startup with impressive perks, such as flexible paid time off, a $600 annual wellness stipend, and financial help planning for retirement, among other things. They’re most highly rated for Wellness Initiatives, Ability to Telecommute, and Salary Satisfaction—all perfect 5.0s. Click to explore JupiterOne's ratings, profile, and open jobs now. 

Learn more ›

‘I felt that energy’

Erica Nagle

Technical Product Lead and Program Manager

“I feel empowered every day by the people I'm surrounded by and have the pleasure of working with. You can feel that everyone is excited and passionate to be working toward a company vision and success. You feel that everyone enjoys not only the people they get to collaborate with, but they are also motivated by the work they are doing. There is nothing more impactful than feeling like you are part of something, and I felt that energy, camaraderie, and genuine enthusiasm on day one of joining JupiterOne.”

Benefits she loves:

“I enjoy that each month we are randomly assigned time to meet with someone across the organization.  We are growing so fast ,and allowing us the opportunity to keep up with that growth by introducing us to people we may not collaborate with everyday, makes me feel that the company values collaboration and embraces culture.”

JupiterOne in three words:

“Exciting, driven, passionate”

‘Everyone’s ideas are heard’

Tiara Buckmaster 

Talent Coordinator 

“I feel empowered to contribute to big-picture decisions. In our strategy meetings, we discuss different ways to improve processes and everyone's ideas are heard and addressed in those meetings.”

Benefits she loves:

“Work-life balance. I come from a healthcare organization that was having administrative workers work 8 a.m.–5 p.m. in the office, then 5–9 p.m. in the homes of residents. We were so short staffed in our direct care department that senior leadership did not care about burning the office staff out with 12+ hour shifts throughout the week. At the time, I was also pregnant. There was no such thing as work/life balance. Being at JupiterOne, I feel like I actually have time for my family again.”

JupiterOne in three words:

“Positive, inclusive, flexible”

‘I could take on anything’

Patricia Arnedo

Software Engineer

“What I find the most empowering in my role at JupiterOne is trust. Even though I started out fairly junior in my role, I was trusted to provide value and make decisions for myself. Recently I was entrusted with building out a large part of our design library. I was given guidelines but allowed to be autonomous and take lead with the project, planning the work and executing myself. I was nervous at first, but simply being put in a position where I am trusted to take on something that I’ve never done before makes me honestly feel like I could take on anything.”

Benefits she loves: 

“The most exciting perk for me is the $2,000 yearly reimbursement on vacations! But what provides value to me on a day-to-day basis is our culture of support and positivity. I know I can turn to my team with any issues or blockers and they will help me, and our no-blame culture eases stress when I'm in unknown waters or working on something impactful. I truly feel that my team and management care about me as a person and consider my mental health when making decisions or evaluating me, which fills me with genuine motivation to do well at my job and contribute to our culture.”

JupiterOne in three words:

“Excellence, growth, empathy”

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