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  1. Blog
  2. Networking
  3. June 20, 2023

The Right Way to Send an Introduction Email When Job Searching

Focus on building relationships, not a long contact list

Woman’s hands typing an introduction email on her laptop
Photo courtesy of Tatiana Syrikova

It’s tempting to reach out to key people at a company when you want to work there. How else are you going to get noticed among hundreds of applicants? It’s really tempting when there’s an opportunity somewhere you’ve always wanted to work, or you’ve been searching for months and you’re antsy for a job. 

Sending an introduction email to people who work at a company or industry you have your eye on is a great way to expand your network. But waiting until you want to ask for something—like a job, an interview, or an inside scoop—and then sending an email blast to the whole marketing department you hope to be part of is not the move. 

Instead, use these best practices to introduce yourself and connect with people more authentically.  

Read more: How to Approach a Potential Mentor: 5 Email Templates

Don’t send an introduction email and ask for a job (or any favor)

A lot of networking starts with strangers meeting for the first time. But it’s best not to reach out to someone you have never met and immediately ask for help getting a job. 

“A lot of people have become wary of cold messaging that asks them for something from someone they have no connection to,” says career coach Kari Solmon. “It’s not the most effective strategy to reach out to someone you have no prior contact with and ask about job opportunities.

“I always tell my clients to think of it like dating: You wouldn’t ask someone to marry you on the first date.” 

So if you find yourself drafting LinkedIn messages to employees at the company you just interviewed with, stop. Career coach Sarelle Caicedo says there are more appropriate ways to connect with people who can tell you more about the company and get to know you better. 

“Reaching out to employees is a bit intrusive, especially if you're not in the interview phase yet,” Caicedo says. “Some companies let candidates speak with current employees from their potential department or relevant departments, so instead of going rogue, I would wait to see if that's a part of the interview process. If it's not, then request it once you get further down the line.” 

If you do happen to connect with someone on LinkedIn who works where you want to work or where you’re applying/interviewing, resist the urge to message them just to say how you’d be their new favorite coworker. 

“Do not say you applied [to their company] and ask when you can expect an interview,” Caicedo says. “It's great to be confident and direct (depending on the culture), but expecting to jump ahead and have an interview all because you reached out gives an air of entitlement.” 

Caicedo says if you want to learn more about the company culture, you don’t have to “cold message” anybody. Check out the company’s website, social media channels, and Glassdoor, and use your existing network to see if you have a mutual connection to someone who works there and could introduce you. 

Read more: The Right Subject Line for a Networking Email

How to write an introduction email to a connection about a job opening

When you do have a connection to someone who works at a company you’re applying to, it’s not just appropriate but also smart to use your network. 

“By all means if you know someone who works at a company that has posted a position you are interested in—or even if you are one degree removed from that person—utilize that ‘in’,” Solomon says. “It’s estimated that somewhere between 60 to 80 percent of jobs are filled through some sort of connection in the company network. 

“If it’s someone you’ve connected with, you could simply say, ‘Hi [Name], I see there’s an opening for [position] at your company. Could you tell me more about it, or know who I should speak to to learn more?’ And if it’s someone else you should be speaking to, ask them to make an introduction,” Solomon says.

A full example email could look something like this:

Hi (name),

I hope this message finds you well! I came across an intriguing opportunity for [position/role] at your company and would love to learn more.

The [position/company] caught my eye because [mention what specifically grabbed your interest, whether it's the company's vision, a specific project, or the role itself]. If you could provide any insights or guidance regarding the role or point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for your time, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon,

(Your name)

If one of your connections posts a job opening you want to apply for, but you don’t know the connection very well, you can let them know you’re interested. Don’t expect the connection to give you an edge against other applicants or offer any special attention. Caicedo suggests saying something like this: 

Hi (name),

Hope you are doing well! I'm reaching out to learn more about the [position] at [company]. I applied for the position today, but I also wanted to let you know directly as well.

A bit about me:

[share a high-level summary sentence of your experience]

This position/company caught my eye because [explain your reasoning].

Let me know if I can answer any questions about my background; I'd love to learn more about [position] and the [company team]. And either way, I'm wishing you success with this new hire.


(Your name)

[attach your resume]

Do not get impatient and write again if you don’t hear back.

“Hiring managers get many emails for any given role, it can be overwhelming for the recipient to read through and respond to even a fraction, in addition to their typical day to day job responsibilities,” Caicedo says. 

Read more: How to Use Your Network Without Being Annoying

Introduce yourself to people before you need something

The best way to use introductory emails in your job search is to grow real connections—people you get along with, people you can help, people you enjoy talking to and learning from—over time. Introduction emails are easier to write when you’re focused on getting to know people and not what they can do for you. 

“I recommend more of a relationship-building approach rather than one that involves cold contacting someone,” Solomon says. “That involves identifying companies you want to work for and then building relationships with people in those organizations. On LinkedIn that might look like following those people and first liking and engaging on their posts before asking them to connect.

“Think about how you can help the person you’re connecting with. No one enjoys being in a one-sided relationship, so if you are able to contribute in some way that is going to engender good feelings toward you and that person you’re connecting with will be more likely to want to help you. For example, at a networking event you learn the person you’re chatting with has just moved to the area. You may be able to recommend local restaurants. On LinkedIn, you may be able to engage with and share their content, or make introductions to others who could potentially be beneficial to them. When you approach networking with a giving attitude, you end up getting more out of the experience.”

Remember that your LinkedIn profile is one of the first ways people can learn about you, so make sure it showcases what you’re interested in and the kind of work you want to talk about and do more of. 

“You should be using the platform to establish your expertise in the field, so when people connect with you, there is plenty of proof,” Solomon says. “You’re basically nurturing the relationship online before going in for the ask.”

Caicedo adds to be “as genuine and authentic as possible”—and to not focus on the quantity of connections, but on actually talking to people. 

“If you connect with someone and don't say anything, that's just as bad as saying something to the effect of, ‘Hi, thanks for the connection, can I have a job/interview/referral?’ with no actual conversation,” Caicedo says. “If you're looking to expand your network, it takes bravery to reach out to strangers, but if you do it in a way that's specific and you know what your goal is in the connection, then you will come off as someone who is clear in their career goals, whether they be long- or short-term. Suggest having a virtual or in person coffee chat, or just ask them for 15 minutes of their time for an informational interview. Those usually are low risk, low investment of time and energy, and high reward for both parties.” 

Now go introduce yourself to someone and build a network of strong women helping each other! 

Read more: All Your Networking Questions Answered to Connect Like a Pro

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