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  1. Blog
  2. Career Development
  3. March 19, 2024

How to Genuinely Reconnect with Your Network: 10 Email Templates

Hello colleague, my old friend

woman writing an email to her network
Photo courtesy of Yan Krukau

Maintaining connections within your network is often overlooked in today's fast-paced professional world. However, continuing to grow and nurture professional relationships can be an invaluable asset in your career journey. 

For example, let's say Mara, who works at Company X, comes across a job opening for a marketing director position at a new startup. Mara remembers that one of her former colleagues at Company X, Julia, had expressed interest in pursuing leadership roles in marketing.

Mara sends Julia a friendly message expressing how she enjoyed working with her at Company X and thought of her when she saw the job opening. As a result of Mara reaching out, Julia decides to apply for the position and eventually lands the job. In this scenario, Mara's proactive outreach not only helped Julia advance in her career, but also strengthened their professional relationship.

Reconnecting with past coworkers, managers, mentors, bosses, and acquaintances like this often opens doors to new opportunities, insights, and collaborations. In this guide, we'll explore the importance of keeping in touch with your network and provide 10 effective email templates to help you reconnect with them.

Read more: Cold Emailing a Recruiter: 10 Example Emails That Get Responses

What are the benefits of keeping in touch with your network?

Keeping in touch with previous colleagues helps you maintain valuable connections that can lead to deeper relationships and new opportunities. It’s simply a great way to nurture relationships and support the personal and professional growth of people in your network. 

Here are a few benefits of reconnecting with your network:

  • Networking opportunities: Your former colleagues have likely moved on to different companies or roles, expanding your network beyond your current workplace. Maintaining these connections can lead to new job opportunities, partnerships, or referrals. They might also be aware of job openings or projects within their networks that aren't publicly advertised.

  • Industry insights: Keeping in touch with former coworkers allows you to stay updated on industry trends, developments, and insider information. They may provide valuable insights that you wouldn't have access to otherwise.

  • Professional development: Engaging with your network can offer opportunities for mentorship, skill-sharing, and learning from each other's experiences. They may have valuable advice or perspectives to offer based on their own career journeys.

  • Referrals and recommendations: Building strong relationships with former coworkers increases the likelihood of receiving referrals or recommendations for job opportunities, projects, or collaborations. They can vouch for your skills and character based on their firsthand experience working with you and vice versa.

  • Personal support: Beyond professional benefits, staying connected with old colleagues can also provide a source of personal support and encouragement. They understand your professional journey and can offer guidance or a sympathetic ear during challenging times.

  • Celebrating milestones: Staying in touch with your network allows you to celebrate their career milestones, promotions, or achievements, fostering a sense of goodwill and camaraderie.

Read more: 7 Ways to Schmooze Your Network (the Right Way)

10 email templates to help you reconnect with your network

Perhaps you just read an article you think your old manager would find interesting, or you worked on research data you think your former coworker could benefit from, or there’s someone at your company who you think a contact would like to be introduced to. 

Whatever the case, there are plenty of simple, yet genuine, ways to reconnect with people you’ve met throughout your career. Customize these email template examples to fit your specific needs. 

1. The catch-up email

Hi (name),

It's been a while since we last caught up, and I've been reminiscing about our time working together at (company name). I'd love to hear what you've been up to since then. How about grabbing a coffee or scheduling a quick catch-up call sometime this week? 

Looking forward to hearing from you,

(Your name)

2. The congratulatory email

Hi (name),

I just heard about your recent promotion at (company name), and I wanted to extend my heartfelt congratulations! Your hard work and dedication have always been inspiring, and I have no doubt that you'll excel in your new role. Let's catch up soon to celebrate your success!

Warm regards,

(Your name)

3. The job opportunity email

Hi (name),

I hope this email finds you well. There’s an exciting job opportunity at my company that I believe aligns perfectly with your skills and expertise. We’re hiring for a creative lead to spearhead the growth and development of our video production team, and it’s a remote position.

I remember your impressive management skills and creative approach during our time together at (company name), and I couldn't help but think of you when I saw this opportunity. If you're interested or would like more information, please let me know, and I'd be happy to provide additional details or connect you with the hiring manager. Even if this opportunity isn't the right fit for you, I'd love to catch up and hear about what you've been up to lately.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

(Your name)

4. The professional advice email

Hi (name),

I hope you’re well! I'm learning the basics of Python right now, and I wanted to reach out to you for guidance on learning the basics. Are there any online courses, tutorials, or books that you found helpful when learning Python? I would greatly appreciate any tips or advice you have for beginners. I understand that you're incredibly busy, so please don't feel obligated to provide extensive assistance. Even pointing me in the right direction would be immensely helpful.

I really appreciate it!

(Your name)

5. The collaboration proposal email

Hi (name),

I hope you're well! I wanted to let you know I’m finally working on that new sustainability research project. I remember you expressed interest in the project when I first briefed you, and I think your skills and expertise would be invaluable to the project. If you’re interested and have the bandwidth, I'd love to discuss further and see how we can leverage our strengths together. Let me know if you’re free to chat sometime next week!

Warm regards,

(Your name)

6. The industry tidbit email

Hi (name),

It's been some time since we last caught up, and I wanted to share an article I came across this morning that I thought you'd find interesting. Dropping the link here: (link). I couldn't help but think of our conversations about generative AI and how it will affect advertising business models going forward. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!


(Your name)

7. The network introduction email

Hi (name 1),

I wanted to take a moment to introduce you to (name 2). (Name 2) is a freelance software engineer with over a decade of experience in developing scalable web apps. They’ve been working on implementing machine learning algorithms for optimizing user experience in e-commerce platforms. I've known (name 2) for several years, and I've always been impressed by their deep technical expertise and innovative problem-solving skills.

I know you’ve been looking to work with a software engineer on your new team, so I thought the two of you could benefit from connecting since you both are interested in leveraging data-driven approaches to enhance user experiences. I’ll let you two take it from here. Looking forward to hearing about the great things you accomplish together!

Warm regards,

(Your name)

8. The mentorship request email

Hi (name),

It's been a while since we last connected, and I hope things are well on your end. I’ve enjoyed and learned from the conversations we’ve had in the past, and I’d like to ask you a favor based on my respect for the way you’ve navigated your career.

As I continue to progress in my career, I think I’d greatly benefit from mentorship so I can prepare for a more senior role. I would be honored if we could find some time to reconnect—whether it's for a quick catch-up over coffee or a brief phone call—to discuss this kind of opportunity together and see if it’s something you’d be interested in and available for. 

Let me know what you think,

(Your name)

9. The job referral email

Hi (name),

I hope this message finds you well! I came across an intriguing opportunity for a customer success role at your company and would love to learn more.

The opportunity caught my eye because of the company's commitment to innovation and its impressive track record in developing cutting-edge software solutions. If you could provide any insights or guidance regarding the role or point me in the right direction to the hiring manager, I would greatly appreciate it. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Take care,

(Your name)

10. The event invitation email

Hi (name),

I hope all is well with you. I remember our conversation about your passion for sustainability initiatives, and I wanted to make sure you saw this upcoming “Sustainable Business Summit.”

This event brings together industry leaders and experts to discuss the latest trends and best practices in sustainable business practices, including renewable energy, circular economy models, and corporate social responsibility initiatives.

I thought I’d pass it along in case you’re interested!

Take care,

(Your name)

Read more: Networking Tips to Use When You Hate Networking

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