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${ contributor.full_name }

${ contributor.short_bio }

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Every day, InHerSight collects tens of thousands of data points on women's experiences at work. Our research helps companies improve their practices and women find workplaces that support their needs.


Study: What Working Moms Need Most During COVID-19 as Work-from-Home Orders Are Extended

How employers, employees, coworkers, and partners can support moms who are working from home and caring for children


Women Are Fine with Tattoos in the Workplace, But Don’t Believe Their Employers Feel the Same Way

The tattoo taboo


How Do Women Feel About Dating in the Workplace?

It’s long as it’s not me


The Illegal Interview Questions 25% of Women Say They Are Asked



Women Complain About the Office Temperature, But No One Does Anything About It

Brrrr, it’s cold in here


18% of Women Have Considered Freezing Their Eggs to Pursue a Career

Though only a fraction of that have gone through with it


Half of Women Have Never Negotiated Their Salary

Assertive women are judged more harshly than their male peers are, and it could be costing them


Sunday Creep Is Real for 42% of Women

We surveyed women about the pressure to begin the work week on Sunday and the feelings of anxiety that come with it


Has the #MeToo Movement Improved the Workplace for Women?

We asked women, and the response was split


73% of Women Want to Change Careers, Here’s Why & What's Standing in Their Way

A survey of 1,500 women reveals the educational barriers that prevent women from pursuing the careers they want


What Early Career Women Want Most at Work

And what this demographic is least likely to look for in an employer


The Boys’ Club Culture Is More Common Than You May Think

How antiquated ideas of gender are crippling 50 percent of the population in the workplace


30% of Women Say Job or Responsibilities Have Changed While on Maternity Leave

An illegal practice that affects more than one in four working mothers


Employer Support for Pregnant Mothers Higher Than for Adoptive Mothers

If employers do have policies and benefits in place, they are not well known among employees


The Top 4 Predictors of Women’s Overall Job Satisfaction

What makes women want to stay at their jobs—and leave for other opportunities


The 4 Things Working Women Want Most from Their Employers

We call them the bread-and-butter benefits


32% of Mothers Have Experienced Workplace Discrimination Because of Parental Status

More than a quarter of women say they have been discriminated against at work because they have children


Most Employers Offer No Child Care Assistance

Because the rising cost of childcare remains out of reach for many in the U.S., women are often forced to leave the workforce. Employers could help, but most aren’t.

Culture & Professionalism

25 Best Jobs for Moms, As Rated by Working Moms (2022)

These roles bring flexibility and job satisfaction


Telling Your Boss You’re Pregnant

We asked more than 2,000 women how they feel about telling their boss they’re expecting.