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5 Great Reads: Free to Be Childfree

July 13: Good and insightful things we’ve read online in the past week

5 Great Reads: Free to Be Childfree

Image courtesy ofTopVectors


‘‘You can’t choose to walk away’: Black women detail their experiences with racism in the workplace’

This article speaks for itself: "If I were to go to a store or a restaurant and experience something that's racist, I can choose to walk away. The workplace is tied to your livelihood. You have to go there every day. You can't choose to constantly walk away." Fortune

‘What we lose when retail stores disappear’

Did your mom exit the workforce to take care of you as a child? Did she re-enter it through part-time work? This article will resonate with anyone who has a mom who began the second act of her career piecing together hours in retail and side-gigs before landing full-time work. As more major retailers shutter, writer Marissa Evans asks what we’re all wondering: How will moms get back into the workforce now? ZORA

‘Supreme Court lets employers opt out of birth control coverage’

Employers can officially cite religious or moral objections when denying health insurance coverage of birth control, according to a ruling from the Supreme Court last week. The decision upholds the Trump administration’s stance that the Affordable Care Act requiring employers to cover contraception is a “substantial burden on the free exercise of religion.” Beyond the obvious, there are two things to understand about the practical effects of this ruling: Up to 126,000 women could lose contraception coverage as a result of the decision, and it will disproportionately impact women of color, low-wage workers, and LGBTQ people. Oh, and did you know birth control is often used to treat patients with endometriosis and other medical conditions? Sorry, that was two things and an interesting, very related fact. NY Times

Women to know

‘Founding mother Eliza Hamilton is the real hero of Hamilton

You streamed Hamilton on Disney Plus and realized, too late, that Eliza Hamilton lived on 50 years after the death of her husband and did more for our country than you’d ever imagined. Don’t worry, so did the rest of the internet. Learn more about the Hamilton who didn’t die in a senseless duel. Esquire

Thought butter

‘More women like me are choosing to be childfree. Is this the age of opting out?’

Children are lovely. Moms are lovely. But of the messaging women imbibe, the idea that women have to be mothers to have value is one of the most pervasive and truly wrong. This piece from The Guardian kicks off the publication’s new series on women choosing to be childfree. Take note of our wording there: “choosing” because opting out of motherhood can be a choice with explanation or qualification, and “childfree” because “childless” has an entirely different meaning. The Guardian

Plus: Something fun and fluffy

‘Froth, feathers, fluff: the history of the boa’

Few reads online these days are as light as this feather: a detailed history of the boa. Is now the time for this story? Absolutely not. But also: Why not? Why. Not. Jezebel

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