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How to Write a Farewell Email to Your Colleagues

XOXO, Gossip Girl

Writing a farewell email
Photo courtesy of Nick Morrison

In the workplace, you spend a good chunk of your time building relationships with your colleagues.

When the time comes for you to move on, for whatever reason, you might want to send a quick note to coworkers to show your appreciation and leave the door open for future interactions.

Why send a farewell email?

After sending an official resignation letter and wrapping up the exit interview, farewell emails should be next on your checklist before you walk out the door. (Make sure your boss knows you're leaving before you start telling your coworkers goodbye.)

You never know when you’ll need a reference, when someone in your network could become the key to a new opportunity, or when you’ll want to join your old pals for happy hour. A quick note to the people you’ve worked with keeps you connected and leaves your coworkers with good vibes.

Read More: How to Quit Your Job and Stay on Good Terms

The dos and don'ts of writing your farewell email

Do: send before leaving

Try to distribute your emails one or two days before you leave, or at the very latest, the morning of your last day. This way you have time to connect one final time in person as well.

Do: Personalize (if you want)

You can send an email to all of your coworkers at once, or you may want to personalize farewell emails for your closest colleagues. Include a funny memory you shared together or think back to a time they helped you or taught you a new skill. It’s okay to be sentimental and express that they will be sincerely missed.

Don’t: make negative remarks

Regardless of your personal feelings or experiences, avoid speaking negatively about your company or any of the other employees, even with your favorite coworker.

Do: communicate new procedures

Anytime someone leaves a company, there’s likely to be a shift in operations while the employer works to fill the position or a new hire gets acquainted. In your email, you might let your colleagues know who will be taking over your tasks and allow them to reach out with any questions.

Don’t: brag

It’s okay to mention your new position, but don’t go on and on about all the great benefits and why it’s better.

Do: provide your contact info

Let your colleagues know how they can reach you—provide a personal email address, phone number, or LinkedIn profile.

You can also extend an invitation to get together such as, Let’s meet up to get coffee next month.

Read more: Why You Should Keep a Work Journal

Example farewell email

Hi all,

As you know, tomorrow will be my last day here at MP Enterprises. I will greatly miss everyone and the company I have called home for three years. You can direct all of your operations requests to Mariana.

I would love to stay in touch with you all in the future—I’m game for happy hour or after-work run club! My updated contact information is included below.

I wish you all the best,

Benjamina Thompson


Read More: A Step-By-Step Guide to Quitting Your Job Gracefully

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