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  1. Blog
  2. Career Development
  3. Last updated February 21, 2024

How to Politely Quit a Job Over Text

Maintain professionalism and respect while quitting

woman quitting a job over text
Photo courtesy of Kev Costello

In our ever-evolving digital landscape, the way we communicate is rapidly changing. As a result, traditional norms surrounding professional interactions are being challenged. One area where this is particularly evident is in the realm of resignations. While face-to-face conversations have historically been the preferred method, there are situations where quitting a job over text can be a reasonable and practical choice. 

Let’s explore the nuances of quitting a job over text, scenarios where it may be appropriate, tips for navigating this process gracefully, and example text messages to guide you.

Read more: What to Know When Writing a Resignation Letter That’s Effective Immediately

Is quitting a job over text acceptable?

Traditionally, quitting a job in person has been viewed as the most professional approach. It allows for direct communication, the opportunity to gauge reactions, and a chance to express gratitude and appreciation face-to-face. 

However, with the rise of remote work and the prevalence of digital communication, the notion of professionalism is evolving. While quitting over text may not be ideal in all circumstances, there are situations where it can be a valid and acceptable option.

3 scenarios where quitting over text may be appropriate

1. Remote work arrangements: In an era where remote work is increasingly common, face-to-face interactions may be limited. If you primarily communicate with your employer or supervisor via digital channels, such as email or instant messaging, resigning over text can be a practical choice. It allows for a seamless continuation of your existing communication patterns and ensures a timely conversation.

2. Toxic work environment: If you find yourself in a toxic or hostile work environment, prioritizing your emotional well-being is essential. In such cases, resigning over text may be a suitable alternative. It enables you to bypass potential confrontation or uncomfortable exchanges, allowing you to maintain your composure and protect your mental health.

3. Urgent circumstances: There are instances when time constraints or unforeseen events require a swift resignation. If you're faced with a sudden and unexpected situation that demands an immediate departure from your job, resigning over text may be the most practical option. It enables you to communicate your decision promptly while adhering to the urgency of the circumstances.

While quitting a job over text is sometimes acceptable and practical, it does have a few downsides that should be considered:

  • Lack of personal connection: Quitting a job over text eliminates the opportunity for face-to-face interaction, which can be important for conveying emotions, intentions, and gratitude. Non-verbal cues, such as body language and tone of voice, are lost in text messages, potentially leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

  • Perceived lack of professionalism: Some employers may view resigning over text as unprofessional or disrespectful. They might feel that it shows a lack of commitment or a willingness to have a direct conversation about the decision. This perception could have implications for your professional reputation and future job prospects.

  • Limited room for discussion: Text messages are often brief and lack the depth and back-and-forth dialogue that can occur in face-to-face conversations or even phone calls. This limited room for discussion may hinder the opportunity to address any concerns, negotiate a potential counteroffer, or find resolutions to potential issues that could arise from your departure.

  • Legal considerations: While a text message can initiate the resignation process, it may not be sufficient as a formal record or proof of your intent to resign. Many employers require a written resignation letter or email as a legal and administrative requirement. Failing to follow up with a formal resignation could lead to confusion or disputes regarding the official end date of your employment.

  • Professional growth opportunities: Face-to-face conversations allow for professional growth opportunities, such as receiving feedback, understanding the reasons for your decision, and potentially gaining insights that can benefit your career trajectory. By resigning over text, you may miss out on these valuable learning experiences.

Given these downsides, it's important to carefully assess the specific circumstances and determine whether resigning over text is the most appropriate choice. When possible, consider having a follow-up conversation or providing a formal written resignation to address any potential limitations associated with quitting over text. 

Read more: 15 Good Reasons for Leaving a Job & How to Talk About Them in an Interview

5 tips for quitting over text

When resigning from a job over text, it's crucial to approach the conversation with care and professionalism. While it may not be the conventional method, adhering to certain guidelines can help ensure a graceful and respectful exit. 

1. Choose the right timing: Select an appropriate time to initiate the conversation. Avoid late evenings, weekends, or any other period when the recipient might be preoccupied or overwhelmed. Aim for a time when both parties can engage in a thoughtful dialogue without distractions.

2. Be concise and clear: Keep your resignation message concise and to the point. Clearly state your intention to resign and include the date of your last working day. Provide a brief explanation if necessary, but avoid delving into excessive details or negativity. Focus on expressing your appreciation for the opportunities and experiences you gained during your tenure.

3. Show gratitude: Expressing gratitude is vital when resigning over text. Acknowledge the professional growth and learning opportunities you received, as well as any mentorship or support provided by your employer. Demonstrating gratitude reflects positively on your character and maintains a sense of professionalism.

4. Offer assistance with transition: Demonstrate your commitment to a smooth transition by offering assistance during the handover process. Reassure your employer that you are willing to help train a replacement, provide documentation, or answer any questions that may arise.

5. Follow up with a formal resignation: While resigning over text can initiate the process, it is important to follow up with a formal resignation letter or email. This ensures that there is a documented record of your resignation and serves as a professional courtesy to your employer.

2 example text messages to use when quitting

Example text message #1

Hi (Name of manager),

I hope this message finds you well. After careful consideration, I have made the difficult decision to resign from my position as [position title]. My last working day will be [date]. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunities I've had during my time at [company name]. 

Please let me know how I can assist with the handover process, whether it's training a replacement, documenting any ongoing projects, or addressing any other concerns.

Thank you once again for the guidance and mentorship you've provided. I genuinely value my time with [company name] and wish you and the team continued success.

Best regards,

(Your name)

Example text message #2

Hi (Name of manager),

I hope you are doing well. I'm reaching out to inform you that I have decided to resign from my position as [position title] at [company name]. It has been a difficult decision, but after careful consideration, I believe it is in my best interest to move on.

I would like to express my appreciation for the opportunities I have had during my time at [company name]—I am grateful for the growth and learning experiences. I’m willing to assist with the transition in any way I can. Please let me know how I can support the team during this period.

Thank you for your understanding, and I wish you and the company success moving forward.


(Your name)

While quitting a job over text may not be the most traditional approach, it can be a practical solution in certain circumstances. By carefully considering the nature of your work arrangement, the state of your work environment, and any time constraints, you can make an informed decision on whether to resign over text. 

By following the tips outlined in this article and using the example text messages as a guide, you can resign with grace, professionalism, and respect. Remember, regardless of the medium used, maintaining a positive and constructive relationship with your employer is crucial for your professional growth and reputation.

Read more: What to Use for a Resignation Email Subject Line

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